Monday, January 28, 2008

Hierve El Agua

Sabado, 26 Enero

The town in which the springs are situated (not sure exactly whether the town is simply called Hierve El Agua, or something else) is notable for having a school, but no teachers. As such, according to my sources, the children have not been to school for two years. The dirt road to Hierve el Agua from Mitla is long and treacherous, full of switchbacks hugging the precipice (18 kilometers, 350 meters up, and 45 minutes via taxi o camioneta). Despite the absence of teachers, we did spot a Coca-Cola delivery truck wending its way along this route. I'm glad we have our priorities straight in terms of our American exports.


Anonymous said...

Nice item. Humorous also. By the way, the "math" is based on the fact that the peso has weakened faster than the dollar during that period. Or to put it another way, sellers are now less willing to take pesos over dollars than they were a decade ago. Supply and demand works for currency just as it does for "things."

Cesar Zuniga said...

maybe we can talk coca-cola into delivering teachers along with their soda pop???