Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I have absconded...

for the coast, where I find that internet access is both scarcer and more expensive. Sand and salt, however, are plentiful, as are mojarras, surfers (at Puerto Escondido), Mexican families (at the western edge of Huatulco, where there are not actually huge resorts, contrary to my imaginings, but are lovely bays with calm water for swimming), and annoying tourist merchandise (everywhere). I´ll be here for another day or so before I head back to Oaxaca to finish out my trip. I am pretending that is not happening. I would rather stay, for now. I am considering going skydiving tomorrow, but I think I will probably not... It is expensive enough that I can tell myself it´s about the money without having to really reflect on whether I want to go (much to my father´s relief, I´m sure)...

If you want anything from Mexico, now´s the time to ask... Post it as a comment and I´ll do my best. Mezcal? Chocolate? Mole? Very cute clothes for people under about 7 years old? Anything else...?

I will update at least once more when I get back to the city, and alas, before I know it I´ll be back in frigid New York...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that your father was relieved!
If I wasn't going to be in Mexico myself soon, I would ask you to find room in your bag for some good dark chocolate. But next month I'll be able to hunt some up myself.
Stay well.